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Monday, January 26, 2009


Let's start with some of the basics.

A helpful number to gauge your progress is the Body Mass Index, or BMI. A simple formula is used to calculate this ratio between a person's height and their weight.

BMI = [weight in pounds times 703] divided by [height in inches] times [height in inches]. If you use metrics, use the same formula, except substitute kilograms (pounds) and meters (inches).

Using the formula to calculate my BMI:

[187 x 703] / [69] x [69]
[131461] / [4761]
= 27.6

Better yet, you can use this handy online BMI calculator.

BMI Result Classifications:
  • Less than 18.5 (Underweight)
  • 18.5 to 24.9 (Normal)
  • 25 to 29.9 (Overweight)
  • 30 or more (Obese)

This tends to be what many doctors offices and medical establishments use to calculate if you are at a healthy weight.

But taking into account body fat percentages, is BMI the most accurate way to go? Or should we dig a little further?