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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

HCG Diet (Day 8)

I went to the doctor today, so now I have prescription cough syrup. Not sure what all the ingredients are, but if it has sugar, it isn't much. YUCK!

Today is the first day of my menstrual cycle, so as per the protocol, I did not give myself a shot this morning. I will start it up again the last day of my flow. I have been hungry a little bit today, but not bad. Someone I spoke with about this program says it isn't unusual for women on their periods to need to eat about 200 calories more per day while they're off the shots. So we'll see.

My body fat is back up after getting re-hydrated. Still losing weight, but it is obviously lean muscle mass as indicated by my falling LBMI. I am hoping that will turn around soon. As soon as I'm feeling up to it, I will be exercising again to build lean muscle mass.

Breakfast: 3/4 cup egg whites (90)
Lunch: Mexican chicken soup (110), 3/4 cup diced tomatoes, cooked in soup (24), 10 extra large strawberries (90)
Dinner: Mexican chicken soup (110), 1 cup diced tomatoes, cooked in soup (32), 1 medium navel orange (80)

Total Calories: 536

WeightBody FatVisceral FatBMILBMI