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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HCG Diet (Day 15)

Today marks the halfway point through the HCG Diet. I haven't been hungry today, except when I had to eat a late dinner. But I wasn't starving, just really hungry when I was finally able to eat. The broccoli (how I love it!) is eating up my daily calories, fast. And the cottage cheese in the mornings... My weight didn't drop, which I suspect has to do with eating so late at night (almost 10pm), and my calories were almost at 600.

Since today is the halfway mark, I will post my current statistics as far as actual body fat lost vs. lean muscle lost. (To figure your "fat pounds", multiply your weight by your body fat percentage number, and divide by 100.)

Beginning fat pounds of body weight: 69.9 lbs.
Halfway fat pounds of body weight: 64.6 lbs.
Total amount of fat lost: 5.3 lbs.
Total amount of weight lost: 14.0 lbs.
Total amount of lean muscle lost: 8.7 lbs.

Halfway through conclusion: I suspect this diet does not deliver as advertised. Yes, weight drops off as quickly as claimed. But it is not all body fat, as the literature would have you believe. Lean muscle is also lost, and at this point, I've certainly lost more muscle than I have fat.

Only 15 more days left for the HCG Diet to redeem itself and melt away the fat!

Breakfast: 3/4 cup fat-free cottage cheese (120)
Lunch: Chicken (110), 1 cup broccoli, cooked (54), 1 medium navel orange (80)
Dinner: Chicken (110), 1 cup broccoli, cooked (54), 10 large strawberries (70)

Total Calories: 598

WeightBody FatVisceral FatBMILBMI