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Monday, March 16, 2009

HCG Diet (Day 20)

I've been a little hungry today, but not too bad. I am looking forward to being done with the VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) so I can eat carrots and bananas again. I miss them!

Good stats today. My body fat appears to be dropping, as well as my weight again. LBMI is inching up, but still has some to go to match what I started out with.

Breakfast: 3/4 cup fat-free cottage cheese (120)
Lunch: Chicken (110), 3 cups spinach (21), apple slices (90)
Dinner: Chicken (110), 12 asparagus spears (39), apple slices (90)

Total Calories: 580

WeightBody FatVisceral FatBMILBMI